What does digital mean today?

28th September 2018 by Yvonne Adebola

Welcome to #medDigitalDigest bringing you scientific insights from the medDigital team.  

Digital has taken the life sciences industry by storm. From the use of wearable devices to collect clinical trial data to the development of thousands of innovative healthcare apps and even organisations dedicated solely to categorising them - we are seeing it all! In fact, there is no industry that has not been transformed by digital revolution. However, while everyone talks about digital and “going digital”, there is little solid understanding about what this really means. Common misconceptions include that digital merely refers to “the internet of things” or the emerging technological breakthroughs characteristic of the fourth industrial revolution.

To shed light on the topic, we asked Dr Felix Jackson, Founder of medDigital, our specialist medical communications agency about what digital means today and what to expect in the future.

Watch our Founder, Dr Felix Jackson’s insights below:  

Video interview of Dr Felix Jackson talking about what digital means today in the life sciences industry.

Dr Felix Jackson is a Digital Health Expert, Founder of medDigital, our specialist medical communications agency and medCrowd, the instant messenger for health and care.  
